Deakin’s crowdfunding success

Research Whisperer provides an analysis of the success Deakin has had in crowd-funded research through pilot projects which included Greg Neville’s and my Retake Melbourne (see

The Research Whisperer

Over the last two months, I’ve been watching Deakin University’s venture into crowdfunding research. It has been an exciting and very successful initiative.

Deakin University is based in Australia, so they worked with an Australian crowdfunding platform, Pozible, to make this happen. In May-June 2013, Deakin ran eight funding campaigns through Pozible.

Six of the eight exceeded their targets!

Pozible is an ‘all or nothing’ crowdfunding platform, so the projects that didn’t succeed won’t get anything at all. The others will get about 93% of the contributions after transaction fees are deducted.

Here is a breakdown of the numbers. The two projects marked ‘N/A’ did not reach their target, and so raised no funds at all.

Table 1: Deakin University fundraising on Pozible, June 2013.
Project titleRaisedSupporters$ / person
‘Caching’ in on game playN/A42N/A
Healthy gigglers$12,83245$285.16
Mighty maggots v flesh nom…

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